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Readers Union (Maritime Book Society)

If you sail. build, buy. race or simply love boats — the Maritime Book Society is the unique source of valuable information that you need It's a selective and economical service made possible by the buying force of thousands of members, bringing you books packed with facts, superbly illustrated and attractively presented sometimes even in waterproof bindings' Books overflowing with adventure and drama top quality products from the best maritime publishers And they are all 25% less than publishers' prices - sometimes substantially cheaper - for exactly the same high quality Every two months you will receive the Society s FREE attractively illustrated Bulletin detailing all the new titles such as Glenan's Weather Forecasting published at £5 95 for £4 50. Clinker Boat Building for £4 50. Flye'. the Quest to Win the Round the World Race for £5 50 (a saving of £2) All we ask is that you take a minimum of four books during your first year of membership There will be hundreds of highly desirable books like these to pick from and the choice is always yours Make the most of this outstanding offer today The New Glenans Sailing Manual Published at £15 YOURS FOR ONLY +P&P rot r -r » ' . . . every point of sailing under all rigs and in all weathers, meteorology, navigation and boat handling it should equip the yachtsman mentally and materially for any kind of voyage.' Sea Breezes The fact remains that anyone who buys a cruiser and needs a bible to go with it, is unlikely to go far wrong with the New Glenans Manual.' Yachting Monthly ' . . . a virtually complete manual on the science and art of sailing . . . the book offers more and better instruction on sailing than any other publication.' Boat (USA) 'At last a sailing manual worthy of the name . . .

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Address Postcode L- Signature lor if under 18. signature of Parent/Guardian/ J Maritime Book Society is run by Readers Union Brunei House. Newton Abbot. Reg in England No 843946.