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Trapped in mud TWO YOUNG GIRLS, Mandy Warren and Katie Flowers, were walking near Benarth Point on Conwy Estuary on Saturday morning, January 19, when, at about 0915, they heard shouts for help in the distance and shots being fired. They ran to the shore and saw a man trapped on the mud bank by the rising spring tide which was coming in fast. Realising the danger he was in, Mandy remained on the shore to keep him in sight, while Katie ran to the nearest telephone to raise the alarm.

On receiving the call, Conwy Police immediately informed the deputy launching authority of Conwy inshore lifeboat station, who fired the maroons.

The crew assembled within minutes and the D class inflatable lifeboat was launched at 0920. Reaching the man a few minutes later, Helmsman John F.

Smith and Crew Member Trevor Jones found him trapped chest high in the mud with the flood tide rising rapidly.He was taken aboard the inflatable lifeboat and brought ashore; the ILB was rehoused and once again ready for service at 0940.

The man had been out wild-fowling on the estuary mud flats and had been trapped in an exceptionally dangerous area of deep soft mud gullies some of which are as much as 9 feet deep. But for the prompt and correct action of the two girls he might have lost his life and letters of appreciation signed by Cdr Bruce Cairns, RNLI chief of operations, were sent to Mandy Warren and Katie Flowers..