The Quorn Fine Art Co
LIMITED EDITION SIGNED PRINTS COMMEMORATING A GREAT BRITISH TRADITION H.M.S. ARK ROYAL AND MORNING CLOUD ery few limited edition prints have received as much praise aroused such interest as these splendid examples of man's endurance against the sea. Not only each of the prints shown signed numbered by the artist, but in order to create collectors' items of lasting importance and historical significance, we arranged in each case for the ships 'master' to individually counter-sign each print. The last captain to command 'Ark Royal', Rear Admiral R. Anson, and the Hon. Edward Heath, MBE, MP, the first British Prime Minister ever to captain a British team in International Sporting Event.
-r l l l . . „. .w-, . , 0 , , ., , , . - , , w-» XT Image site: 25.3 in l~m- E ADMIRALS CUP 1971 by Robert Taylor o,,™ ,I:, is.sin x.7Sin.
(Prims £50. i ntramed) limited edition of 850 prints, signed by the artist and individually counter-signed by the Rl. Hon. EDWARD HEATH, MBE, MP.
The Admirals Cup, first presented in 1957, has become in the course of just over twenty years, the foremost sailing contest in the world. Consisting of the Channel Race during the first weekend of Cowes Week, originally two but now three races round the Solent and concluding w i t h the Fastnet Race, it provides the most testing competition anywhere for ocean racing yachts and their crews. This painting depicts the second Morning Cloud, one of the three boats in the British Admirals Cup team which I captained in 1971, racing during the series.
The team was successful in recapturing the Cup from the Americans after some exciting racing — s h_A_-s_ involving the teams of sixteen other countries.
HMSARK ROYAL •STKAMIM, I N K ) WIMV (top l e f t ) is an outstanding painting by Roben Taylor of ihe best known and lined ship to serxe w i t h the Renal N a x y since the Hood. This powcrtul picture show- HMS Ark Royal in a force t i c .
launching her Buccaneers ot S09 Squadron.
I he second print 'PHANTOM I.Al NCH' is a stunning painting o! a Phantom on the waist catapult just a few seconds before take-off — an appropriate subject as the e i y List h ed wing aircraft to be launched by catapult I mm I he deck ot HMS Ark Royal was Phantom 012 ol Ss 2 Squadron. Both prims haxe been published as limited editions of 850 copies, each one signed and numbered by the artisi and counter-signed b Reat Admiral I K - nson, the last captain to command HMS Ark Royal at sea.
The image area of each print measures 18m I 2 i n whilst overall si/eot each print is 2?in 18in.
Price £2".50. t nframed.
INK R l l s l Kohen l a y l o r ' s skill asa marine a r t i s t is internationally recognised, and lor ob ions apparent reasons to those w i t h a discerning eye for supreme skill and quite exceptional talent In the words ol 1 dxxard Heath "These prints are exeellenl reproductions ot Koherl laylor's splendid originals, in w h i c h he has skilfully captured in rxery respect Ihe true feel of Ihe sea" MONKY KACM.l AKANTKt: In addition to offering you unique w o r k s ol a r t , TheQuorn Fine Art Companx ot lets you a unique money back guarantee. Quite simply, 11 at any time you decide y o u would l i k e to return your order, then proxiding it is in good condition, your money w i l l he refunded in l u l l . No umc imil. and no questions asked.
THLOIORS 1 IM K1 (.0 4(.CHL Rt HUM! .
I ( i l liHBOROl t.H. I I ICS I I 11 II i To order these prints, just fill in and post the coupon.
I nl rained punts w i l l a r n x e w i t h i n 14 days, and framed or deis w i l l a t t i x c w i t h i n 21 28 daxs, ready to hang in the eiegant aluminium frame illustrated.
Ul KPIIOM- OKDKKS Credit Card holders nun telephone (05INI 21 3"8~ 2 I S I 2 I and place their order w i t h o u t completing the coupon I To:THl Qt.'ORN 1 INI ART CO 46C H I R C HC.ATl I OL t.HHOROl C,H. l.tlCS. I t i l IUE Please send me the following p n n t ( s ) : "The - dmiralsC u p I9"l" . . . . unlramed p r i n t ( s ) a t t50.00each . . . . framed p n n i l s l a l 182. 50 each "Steaming Into Wind" . . . . unframed p n n l t s i a t t2~ o each . . . framed prmt(s) at £47.50each "Phantom I aunch" . . . . unframed p r i n t l s i a t t2~.5(l trained p r i n t i s i a t I4~.50each Your remittance should be made payable to Readers' - ccount Quorn t-ine Art C'o. and shall remain your money u n t i l your goods haxe been despatched to you ihe address I enclose my cheque lor L ................
I preler to charge I .......... to my - ccess B'C'ard Amer. txp. or Diners C'lub No Same Signature .
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