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Notes of the Quarter from Page 3

branch and guild members have met the challenge with their usual enthusiasm, sheer hard work—and success.

Perhaps the most important statistic of all is the number of lives rescued in the past ten years: almost 12,500. That is the true measure of the remarkable achievements of our lifeboat crews, for whom no praise is too high, and of our fund raisers who have unfailing provided them with the 'tools to do the job'. The traditions of the service have never been more finely upheld and the RNLI's standing in the eyes of the general public has never been more firmly established. With that knowledge, lifeboat people can enter the 1980s and meet the challenges ahead with confidence.

Decca Radar The radar for the RNLI Medina 35 prototype was the hundredth supplied by Decca Radar Ltd to be fitted to a lifeboat, and, to mark this milestone, Decca gave the radar as a contribution to the Mountbatten of Burma appeal.

This generous gesture was followed by yet another. After Barra Island and Islay lifeboats had been capsized last November, engineers of Decca's service division made immediate arrangements to repair the damaged radars. Out of respect for the lifeboats' 'gallant crews', however, the company waived all labour charges for the work.

Cot M Four new members have been elected to the Committee of Management: Peter Viggers, MP for Gosport (Hampshire); Graham Newman, former chairman of the Baltic Exchange; John Archer, former chairman of the Government Search and Rescue Committee; and Captain Colin Keay, chairman of Dundee branch.

Mr Viggers, who was trained as an RAF pilot, is an underwriting member of Lloyds and, like Mr Newman, is a yachtsman.

Mr Newman was elected to the Baltic Exchange in 1947, was director in 1967, vice chairman from 1975 to 1977 and chairman from 1977 to 1979.

Mr Archer was Under Secretary of the Marine Division of the Department of Trade from 1972 to 1979 and chaired the Government Search and Rescue Committee, of which the RNLI is a member.

Captain Keay served in the RNVR during the last war and was mentioned in despatches. He is chairman of the Dundee Sea Cadets and area chairman of the Northern Area Sea Cadets. He is former managing director of T. Keay Ltd, an engineering firm..