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Injured fisherman LIVERPOOL COASTGUARD informed the honorary secretary of Barrow lifeboat station at 2232 on Monday July 16, 1979, that there was an injured crew member aboard the motor fishing vessel Vertrouwen, 18 miles west of Walney Island and heading for Barrow.

The honorary secretary telephoned the honorary medical adviser, Mr J. H.

Kilshaw, FRCS, and the crew assembled.

Meanwhile it was learned that the fisherman had had both legs trapped in a winch.

Barrow's 46ft 9in Watson lifeboat, Herbert Leigh, launched at 2300 and set out to rendezvous with the trawler at a position off Walney Island. The night was fine with good visibility. A moderate to fresh breeze, force 4 to 5, was blowing from west north west and the sea was moderate. It was one hour before low water.

While the lifeboat was on her way it was decided that a helicopter should be called in from RAF Valley, Anglesey.

Vickers Ltd manned Walney Airfield and the local ambulance and hospital were alerted.

The lifeboat came alongside the trawler six miles west north west of Lightning Knoll Buoy and the HMA went aboard her with two crew members.

The injured man was placed in the Neil Robertson stretcher and, after some discussion between the pilot and the doctor, winched up directly fromthe trawler. He was landed at Walney Airfield at 0102 and transferred to North Lonsdale Hospital.

The honorary medical adviser and two lifeboat crew members remained aboard the trawler because of the sea conditions and both boats returned to Barrow; then the three men were transferred back to the lifeboat off the station and the trawler went on to her mooring. The lifeboat was once again ready for service at 0240.

For this service a letter of appreciation signed by Rear Admiral W. J.

Graham, director of the Institution, was sent to Mr J. H. Kilshaw, honorary medical adviser of Barrow lifeboat station..