Seafarers Service
Seven Dorset lifeboatmen, from Poole, Swanage and We y mouth, attended the annual national service for seafarers in St Paul's Cathedral on October 24, when, for the first time, the RNLI flag was carried up the aisle; the flag was carried by Coxswain Victor Marsh of Swanage.
Fastnet memorial A memorial service for the 15 yachtsmen who lost their lives in the Royal Ocean Racing Club Fastnet Race 1979 was held at the Royal Parish Church of St Martin-in-the-Fields on November 8, when the RNLI was invited to take a collection; it amounted to more than £500. King Olav or Norway and King Constantine of Greece, both members of the RORC, were present and every British maritime service was represented.
Cot M Raymond Baxter, FRSA, has recently become a member of the Committee of Management. Mr Baxter, who has been a broadcaster since 1945, first with the BBC and then freelance, has made several television appeals for the lifeboat service and given the Institution valuable publicity in many other ways. He was awarded a public relations statuette in 1969 and joined the Public Relations Committee, of which he is now chairman, in 1972. Mr Baxter is also a member of the Executive Committee.
'In Danger's Hour' Kodak Limited are celebrating their centenary year in 1980 by mounting one of the finest exhibitions of lifeboat photographs ever to be seen in this country. It will be staged at their showrooms in High Holborn, London, for a month starting on March 12 and it will include exhibits from many outstanding photographers well known to lifeboat people for the work they have done for the lifeboat service.
It is hoped to transport the exhibition later to other leading cities.
RNLI London office is moving to Lambeth: from January 28 the address will be 202 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7JW, Tel. 01-9284236..