Maritime Book Society
WE KNOW ABOUT THE SEA HERE and we have the books to prove it! DEVON as your introduction to the Maritime Book Society worth up to £20 or more at publishers' prices! rnrnrn x oks numbers j J I 1 [__ I would like to join the MARITIME BOOK SOCIETY Please supply the 3 introductory books at the special introductory price ol only 25p each (plus 90p total carnage) and I will pay upon receipt for any books I choose (Allow up to 2 J days for delivery} I agree to purchase at least 4 books (m addition to the introductory offer) during a year's membership, and may resign thereafter Mr/Mrs/Miss _ ' Address _ ] (Signature of Parent or Guardian if under 18) To: Maritime"* Book Society, PO Box 6.
Newton Abbot, Devon When you're cold, wet and bashing away in a pig of sea, it isn't who you know that counts, it's what you know; and any sailor worth his salt will agree that there's always more to know.
The Maritime Book Society covers the whole gamut.
For instance, DECK SEAMANSHIP by Colin Jarman ... an illustrated read and a half if ever there was one! to/v7/?usse 'smasterleyYACHTMASTER OFFSHORE . . . or that epic adventure odyssey. The INCREDIBLE VOYAGE by Tristan Jones.
The Maritime Book Society provides books for seasoned sailors, old sea dogs, rabbits and boffins; ALL PUBLISHERS' OWN EDITIONS.
Just take any three of the specially chosen titles shown here for 25p each (plusp&p). Then, every two months, you will receive the Society's fully illustrated FREE bulletin of current titles, each one offered exclusively to members at about 25% or more below publishers' prices. And we ask only that you take a minimum of four books during your first year of membership, choosing from 100 or more highly desirable titles.
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Brunei House, Newton Abbot, Devon Reg in England No 843946.