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Two Dinghies

Three boats TWO DINGHIES in difficulties were reported to the honorary secretary of Wicklow lifeboat station at 1655 on Monday April 16. The first dinghy, with two adults and five children on board, was a mile south of the lifeboat station and within yards of the rocks; the second dinghy, her outboard engine broken down, was a quarter of a mile further south.

Visibility was very good, there wasno wind and the sea was calm, but the tide was ebbing at about four to five knots.

The 41ft Watson relief lifeboat St Andrew (Civil Service No. 10), on temporary duty at Wicklow, launched at 1700 and came up with the first dinghy at 1720. She took off the two adults and five children, towed the boat clear of the rocks and anchored her 100 yards off shore. She then went on to look for the second dinghy which by now was about a mile further south, just going on to a small beach. The lifeboat went in as close as she could, took two adults and a child on board and then took the dinghy in tow. On the way back the first dinghy was also taken in tow. Both boats were towed to Wicklow Harbour where the ten people were put ashore at 1830.

As the tide was low, the lifeboat remained at moorings.

At 1845 the Bailey Lighthouse keeper informed Coxswain Patrick Keogh that a distress call had been picked up from the yacht Orinoco, on passage from Cork to Wicklow. She was on the rocks just north of Mizen Head, nine miles south of the lifeboat station.

By now a light southerly breeze had sprung up, but the sea was still smooth and visibility was very good when the lifeboat slipped her moorings at 1850 and again put to sea. While under way she made radio contact with the cargo vessel Isabel Mitchell, also making for the yacht. Isabel Mitchell reached the casualty first and by the time the lifeboat arrived, at 1950, she had launched one of her boats and refloated the yacht. The two was taken over by the lifeboat, and, as the yacht was making water and was being sailed singlehanded, a lifeboat crew member was put on board to help.

On reaching Wicklow Harbour at 2115 the lifeboat was once again moored, with the yacht alongside, until next day, when she was rehoused by 1230..