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Naming Ceremonies: Eastbourne and Islay

Naming Ceremonies EASTBOURNE, JULY 3 and ISLAY, JULY 28 Eastbourne IT SEEMED AS IF the whole population of Eastbourne, together with its holiday makers, had assembled round the lifeboat museum on the afternoon of Tuesday July 3. The occasion was the naming of Eastbourne's first new offshore lifeboat in 30 years, and it was appropriate that it should be a perfect summer's day.

The 37ft 6in Rother class lifeboat The Duke of Kent had been provided as the result of a special Jubilee year appeal by branches and guilds to honour their President, with Eastbourne itself raising over £75,000 towards the cost of the lifeboat. HRH The Duke of Kent had accepted an invitation to name the lifeboat, and his arrival by bright red helicopter was the signal for loud cheers of welcome.

L. A. Lelliot, chairman of Eastbourne station branch, opened the proceedings, greeting the Duke of Kent, the station's guests and everyone present at the ceremony.

Rother 37-37 was handed over to the care of Eastbourne station by the Duke of Atholl, carrying out his first formal duty as newly elected chairman of the RNLI. Accepting the lifeboat on behalf of the branch, Alderman Cecil F. Baker, station honorary secretary, assured His Grace that '. . . with such a wonderful boat, the crew will be able to carry on the longstanding tradition which has been established in Eastbourne'.

The service of dedication which followed was conducted by the Lord Bishop of Lewes, the Right Reverend Peter Ball, assisted by the Vicar of Eastbourne, Canon C. Best, and by the Vicar of Langney and Lifeboat Chaplain, the Reverend R. Butler. Music for the ceremony was by the Rhine Staff Band, Royal Tank Regiment, under the direction of Major C. V. Wright.

Before naming the lifeboat and breaking the bottle of champagne, the Duke of Kent expressed his gratitude that his name had been chosen by the RNLI, and noted that the occasion was unique because he had never named a boat on dry land before: 7 have been assured by those who should know, that this lifeboat can float! and I look forward to returning to Eastbourne in the not too distant future, to take a trip in her.' The Duke then went aboard with Cdr B. Cairns, chief of operations, and Coxswain/Mechanic Derek Huggett.

The inspection over, a miniature replica of The Duke of Kent was presented to His Royal Highness by Lisa Buckland, daughter of Winchman E.

Buckland, as a fitting reminder of the happy occasion.—H.D.

Islay CLOSE ON A THOUSAND islanders, visitors and their guests crowded the pier and harbour at Port Askaig, Isle of Islay, on Saturday July 28 for the naming of the new Islay lifeboat, the third to be stationed there since the branch opened 45 years ago in 1934.

To welcome the guests, Mr and Mrs Frank Spears, branch committee and ladies' guild workers, entertained 200 people to tea in a marquee on the lawn of their hotel overlooking the station.

At 5.20 pm, three maroons were fired and immediately Coxswain Alastair Campbell and his crew brought their 50ft Thames class lifeboat smartly into position just off the ramp of the newly finished vehicle ferry pier and the Islay Pipers led the branch chairman, Alastair Macrae, and his party to the naming platform. A welcome touch of colour was added by the fishing boats Ranger and Windy Isle representing the fishing fleets at Port Ellen and Port Askaig. Western Ferries' Isle ofGigha, which provides the link with the adjoining Island of Jura, was gaily dressed overall and crowded with spectators.

The combined Bowmore and Port Ellen Gaelic Choirs opened proceedings, singing the National Anthem in Gaelic, and there followed a service of dedication conducted by the Parish Minister, the Reverend Ian R. Munro.

Catriona Campbell, daughter of Motor Mechanic Archibald Campbell, then presented a magnificent bouquet to Mrs George Mallinckrodt, who was to name the lifeboat, and Neil Macmillan, the branch honorary secretary, read messages of congratulation from the Duke of Atholl, Chairman of the Institution, and good wishes from the branch president and vice-president Lord and Lady Margadale and their son, the Hon. James I. Morrison.

On behalf of Islay branch, Mr Macrae thanked the Schroder Family Trust for their generosity in making the building of the new lifeboat possible and asked Bruno L. Schroder formally to hand over the new lifeboat to the Institution.

In an amusing speech, Mr Schroder referred to his own enthusiasm and support for Islay lifeboat and told how he had inherited it from his late father.

Their business had always been banking, but their family originated from an important European seaport and they had always had a close affinity with those who go to sea in ships. While it was sad that it was now ten years since his father had died, it was a matter of great satisfaction and pleasure to himself and his family that all the Schroder grandchildren were present, making it very much a family affair. The bond with the Institution was further strengthened by the presence of Robert Hollond, a director of Schroders and also a member of the RNLI Committee of Management.

Sir Charles McGrigor, Convenor of the Scottish Lifeboat Council, accepted the lifeboat on behalf of the RNLI and, in turn, gave her into the care of the branch, on whose behalf she was accepted by Neil Macmillan. Mrs W. C. Wood, president of Islay ladies' guild, then proposed a vote of thanks.

Mrs George Mallinckrodt, the daughter of the late Helmut Schroder, named the lifeboat Helmut Schroder of Dunlossit in memory of her father and, as soon as the bottle of champagne was broken, the crew brought the boat alongside the pier to embark some of the guests. They were taken for a short cruise up and down the Sound of Islay.

Among a large party from Dunlossit House one particularly welcome guest was Mrs Helmut Schroder, the late Mr Schroder's widow.

COMING EVENTS November 21: Naming of Margate lifeboat by HRH Princess Alexandra.

January 3 to 13: London International Boat Show, Earls Court.

May 22: RNLI annual meeting and presentation of awards 1980..