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Maritime Book Society

EQUIP YOURSELF FOR ANY VOYAGE '. . . every point of sailing under all rigs and in all weathers, meteorology, navigation and boat handling it should equip the yachtsman mentally and materially for any kind of voyage.' Sea Breezes 'The fact remains that anyone who buys a cruiser and needs a bible to go with it, is unlikely to go far wrong with the New Glenans Manual.' Yach ting Mon thly 'At last a sailing manual worthy of the name .. .

a new one that is not only comprehensive but also readable.' Yachting & Boating Run by sailing enthusiasts on the South Coast the Maritime Book Society secures virtually every significant new sailing book for its members, be it technical (eg Coastal Navigation) practical (Offshore Racer) narrative (Come Wind or Weather) or on classic cruises and circumnavigations.

There is bound to be something useful or interesting for your crew or you yourself on every aspect and level of cruising and racing. Members buy their books at a discount of up to 25% (sometimes more) off publishers' prices. They are offered to you every other month and our bulletin tells you what is coming. Your only obligation is to buy four books during your first year of membership.

Maritime Book Society is run by Readers Union Brunei House, Newton Abbot.

Reg in England No 843946 To: Maritime Book Society, PO Box 6, Newton Abbot, Devon.

I would like to join the Maritime Book Society and claim The New Glenans Sailing Manual for only £1.00 (plus 90p carriage). Allow up to 21 days for delivery. I agree to purchase at least 4 books (in addition to the introductory books) during a year's membership and may resign thereafter.

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