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/ ( j . Notes of the Quarter, by Patrick Howarth 183 To all lifeboat supporters: messages from His Grace the Duke of Atholl, Chairman of the Committee of Management, and Rear Admiral Wilfred i.

_ -, -, •* T-T i TT Graham, CB MNI, Director of the Institution 184 Volume XLVI Number 469 Llfeboat Services 185 Annual General Meeting and Presentation of Awards 190 Fastnet Race Storm 195 Chairman: THE DUKE OF ATHOLL Week's Good Cause, by Coxswain Derek Scott, BEM 195 Director and Secretary: Women's Work, by Ray Kipling 196 REAR ADMIRAL W. J. GRAHAM, CB MNI Channel Islands, by Joan Davies 198 Naming Ceremonies: Eastbourne and Islay 203 Managing Editor: PATRICK HOWARTH How sdling souvenirs and gifts buys lifeboats 204 JOAN"DAVIES Some Ways of Raisin8 Monev 205 Shoreline 208 Headquarters: Royal National Life-boat Institution, Book Reviews 209 West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ (Telephone Poole 71133). Letters 210 Telex: 41328 Offshore Lifeboat Services, March, April and May 1979 213 London Office: Royal National Life-boat Institution, Inshore Lifeboat Services, March, April and May 1979 214 21 Ebury Street, London SW1W OLD (Telephone 01-730 0031). Index to Advertisers 216.