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An Inflatable Dinghy (2)

Two ILBs search A SMALL INFLATABLE DINGHY in which it was thought there were two boys and which appeared to be in difficulty 600 yards off Southerness Light was reported to Silloth ILB station by Ramsey Coastguard at 1819 on Wednesday May 2; the ILB was asked to stand by while Portling Coastguard went to the scene. A request to launch came at 1838 and at 1847 the ILB set out with Senior Helmsman Colin Akitt in command and with Derek Wilson and Robert Litt as crew.

It was an overcast evening and very cold. There was a strong breeze, force 6, gusting to gale, force 8, blowing from north north west and, with the tide at two hours ebb, the sea was choppy with a heavy swell.

The ILB had only been at sea a few minutes when her transom carrying her twin outboard engines was damaged, splitting across horizontally, so that she had to reduce speed; she could only make four knots in safety. Kippford ILB was asked to help in the search and left her boathouse at 1855. To save time she was taken by road the 12 miles to Southerness and launched there.

Ramsey Coastguard then asked Silloth ILB to return to station, but radio contact was lost until 1922, when the ILB reported that she was four miles east south east of Southerness and that her transom was in no worse state. By now it was known that the casualty was a 12ft inflatable dinghy in which there were three men.

The two ILBs met at 2020 three miles south of Southerness. They were instructed to investigate an object two miles further south, but they could find nothing. A helicopter now joined in the search.

At 2047 Helmsman Akitt reported that Silloth ILB was in no difficulty as the transom and engines were being held by temporary lashings. At 2059 the coastguard 'on scene' asked Silloth ILB to search towards Maryport and then to return to station slowly as the helicopter might still sight the casualty.

Nothing was seen, however, and at 2250 the search was abandoned because darkness made it impossible.The helicopter returned to base; Kippford ILB reached her station at 2245 and Silloth ILB at 2307. The ILB crews dispersed to reassemble at first light, but in the meantime, at 0110, the inflatable dinghy with the three men on board drifted ashore near Flimby.

For this service a letter of appreciation signed by Cdr Bruce Cairns, chief of operations, was sent to Senior Helmsman Colin Akitt of Silloth..