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A Canoe

Valiant attempt HM COASTGUARD asked the deputy launching authority of Bangor ILB station to stand by at 1135 on Sunday May 20; a canoist had capsized half a mile north of the harbour and another canoist was trying to bring him in. The DLA called Crew Members James P.

Ellesmere and William R. Killiner, who came to the boathouse at once.

After watching for a minute or two the three men realised that the task was too much for the rescuer and they launched the ILB at 1200.

It was a fine day. There was a moderate southerly breeze blowing and the sea was choppy. Visibility was very good. The tide was five hours ebb.

On reaching the canoists at 1210 the ILB crew found that the man in the water was unable to help himself at all.

His companion, David Snale, had made a valiant effort to rescue his friend and had nearly succeeded, but he was now himself exhausted. The ILB brought the capsized canoist ashore and he was taken to a hotel where he was revived.

An attempt was made to recover the canoe but it was found to be sunk.

The ILB returned to station and was rehoused and ready for service at 1330 For this service a letter of appreciation signed by John Atterton, acting director of the Institution, was sent to David Snale..