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Two Intrepid Travellers John Ford and Melvyn Webster Made a 1000 Mile Dash Last October from St.Helier Jersey to Aith Shetland and Raised £2250 for the Rnli

Two intrepid travellers, John Ford and Melvyn Webster, made a 1,000 mile dash last October from St Helier, Jersey, to Aith, Shetland, and raised £2,250 for the RNLI.

First they flew from St Helier to Southampton, this leg being sponsored by British Island Airways; a 700 mile car journey followed, driving through the night to Wick, Caithness, to catch another flight to Sumburgh Airport, Shetland. A 50-mile drive over wild moorlands took them to Aith where they delivered a goodwill message from the crew at Jersey.

The time taken to do all this?—just 23 hours. Melvyn (I.) and John hand the message to Coxswain Kenny Henry (r.) at Aith.

photograph by courtesy of 'Shetland Times'.

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