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Tribute to the Brave

Tribute to the brave The day of the annual presentation of awards at the Royal Festival Hall ends with an after-theatre supper at the Rubens Hotel for all the medallists and their families. Mrs Anne Wall has very generously made this culmination of a memorable day her personal tribute to the men and women in the front line of the lifeboat service, sending an annual cheque for what has come to be known as the Anne Wall Supper and also to provide small gifts for the wives and sweethearts of 'the men who do such an admirable and indescribably praiseworthy job'. The letter which accompanied Mrs Wall's cheque this year continues: 'I feel very deeply that it is the women who suffer, never knowing if their loved ones will return, though they proudly share in their men's honour which is so very well deserved. If I may be permitted to express my admiration for them in this way it may inspire other friends of this wonderful work to do the same.' Helicopter rescues In the spring 'Notes of the Quarter' mention was made of the rescue by naval helicopter of the crew of the coaster Fendyke to which Broughty Ferry lifeboat had put out late on Christmas Eve (see page 157). In fact the rescue was carried out, not by a naval helicopter, but by an RAF Wessex helicopter from Leuchars and an RAF Sea King from Lossiemouth, and we apologise for this error. For this service the crew of the Wessex from Leuchars have received the following awards: Air Force Cross: Fl Lt Adrian Murray, pilot (now retired) and Master Air Loadmaster Iain Brunton, winchman.

Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service in the Air: Fl Lt Brian Canfer, navigator, and Fl Sgt Larry Evans, winchman.

Anniversaries Southend-on-Sea lifeboat station has been awarded a centenary vellum on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the station in 1879, and Ramsey lifeboat station has been awarded a vellum on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the station in 1829.

Obituaries It is with deep regret that we announce the following deaths: February Thomas John Henry Cooper, coxswain of Ramsgate lifeboat from 1963 to 1975. He joined the crew in 1930, serving as bowman from 1946 to 1952 and second coxswain from 1953 to 1963, and he was awarded the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum in 1968.

March Mrs Dorothy Theresa Phillips, founder chairman of Little and Broad Haven ladies' guild and wife of Elson Phillips, the station honorary secretary.

Wavy Line appeal The Wavy Line Grocers' Association, which supplies some 2,000 small grocers in England and Wales, is launching a promotion to raise £137,000 to fund a Rother class lifeboat. All its groceries carry the Wavy Line symbol, and the association will give 2p for every empty Wavy Line container returned to one of their shops between June and August this year. In addition there will be a series of raft races and three or four large charity dances, at the last of which it is hoped to present a cheque to the RNLI.

Maritime Book Society Due to unavoidable delays, some subscribers to the spring issue of THE LIFEBOAT may have experienced difficulty in returning their coupon in the advertisement by the required date to claim their free book 'Little Ship Meteorology'. The Maritime Book Society generously made an appropriate extension to the return date to allow for delayed coupons..