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Some Ways of Raising Money from Page 173

awarded annually, is a decorated lifebelt given to the branch by HMS Stubbington earlier in the year.

A supper, organised by Brough and District ladies' guild, was held at Humber Yawl Club on January 26 with 90 people attending. A cold supper was served with a selection of delicious sweets, and in all £184 was raised. A local travel agent donated the star prize for the raffle—a weekend for two in either Paris or Amsterdam.

By buying a 5p ticket pupils of Dereham Neatherd High School, Dereham, Norfolk were allowed to wear their own clothes to school for one day instead of the normal school uniform.

The idea, masterminded by four friends, Sharen Burdett, Teena Vallerine, Kim Atkinson and Loraine Cheetham, proved so popular that £18.50 was raised for the lifeboats.

Almost £200 was raised at an inshore dance organised by Datchet branch in February. The music was supplied by the Tommy Draper Band and the cabaret by escapologist and caricaturist Larry Barnes who both gave their services free of charge. Over 30 prizes for the raffle were provided by local residents and tradespeople.

To help the Skegness appeal to cover the cost of radar for the lifeboat, Mrs F.

Richardson gave up eating sweets for Lent and was able to make a substantial donation to the station.

A cheque for £4,500, being the money given by visitors to Portpatrick lifeboat museum, was sent to the RNLI's Scottish office by Mrs Patsy Milligan. Mrs Milligan, sister of the late Coxswain Andrew Mitchell, carries on the family's lifeboat tradition with unabated enthusiasm. As well as looking after the museum, she is also treasurer of branch..