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NOW Available FOR THOSE IN PERIL The Life and Times of Sir William Hillary, Founder of the R.N.L.I.

Robert Kelly Illustrated by Norman Sayle £4.75 For Those in Peril tells of the early days of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and the Manxman who brought about its formation. It is a harrowing tale of shipwreck, official disinterest and almost superhuman efforts on the part of one man. As the dramatic and finally pathetic story unfolds, Sir William is seen to be a resourceful and courageous man, untiring in his efforts on behalf of others. Whether personally organising a "Lifeboat" rescue or approaching the Lords of the Admiralty, the formation of a Lifeboat Institution is never far from his mind. Available from all good booksellers or direct from SHEARWATER PRESS, WELCH HOUSE, CH URCH ROAD, ONCHAN, ISLE OF MAN.