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Aberdeen: Coxswain Albert Bird Accepting North Sea Rum from W Massie Area Sales Manager Mackinlay-Mcpherson Ltd on Board the 54Ft Arun Bp Forties Last Fe

Aberdeen: Coxswain Albert Bird accepting North Sea rum from W.

Massie, area sales manager, MacKinlay-McPherson Ltd, on board the 54ft Arun BP Forties last February. Front row (I. to r.): Rear Admiral J. R. D. Nunn, the Reverend W. Geraint Edwards, Crew- Member George Walker, ILB Crew Member Marjorie Mitchell, Capt Brian Atkinson (honorary secretary) and Mrs J. R. D. Nunn. Back row: Crew Members John Corstorphine, William Cowper and Francis Cruikshank. R. M. Addisoii, branch chairman, is in wheelhouse doorway..

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