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The Oil Rig Supply Vessel Anglia Shore

Oil rig supply vessel SHETLAND COASTGUARD informed the honorary secretary of Lerwick lifeboat station at 0305 on Friday October 27, 1978, that the oil rig supply vessel Anglia Shore was ashore on Score Point on the north east side of the Island of Bressay. The master requested the lifeboat to stand by.

A fresh westerly breeze was blowing when, at 0317, the 52ft Arun Soldian slipped her moorings. She arrived on scene at 0355 to find that the supply vessel was damaged forward. As an immediate precaution, six members of Anglia Shore's crew were taken off, the lifeboat's inflatable dinghy being used to ferry them across to Soldian.

After pumping out her cargo of drilling mud, Anglia Shore refloated on the flooding tide and came off the rocks unaided. She was making water fast, however, and the lifeboat escorted her to Lerwick arriving at 0548.

A letter of appreciation was later received by Lerwick honorary secretary from the supply vessel's owners enclosing a donation for the RNLI..