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THE LONDON INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW at Earl's Court from January 4 to 14 was for us a memorable occasion because we were celebrating ten years of Shoreline. It was at the 1969 Boat Show that the first member of the original Yachtsmen's Lifeboat Supporters' Association, Sir Alec Rose, 'signed on', thus inaugurating the membership scheme; now, ten years later, our membership has grown to over 54,000.

More than 1,000 visitors to the 1979 Boat Show joined Shoreline, a success which could not have been achieved without the stout work of our band of voluntary supporters: Jim Mead, Ewart Myer, John and Denora Caller, Roy Rudd, Harold Appleton, David Parker, Jeff Needham. Ian Taylor and Dick Wilson. They gave up their time to help A report of the show is given by Harold Appleton, one of our helpers this year, and I would like to thank him for his contribution to our page.

* * * The International Boat Show, 1979, proved a milestone for Shoreline. Last year we beat all previous records for new members by over 200, and reached a target of 900. This year we set our target at 1,000. I doubt if any of us seriously thought it possible, especially after the first three days of the show, which proved very slow. Then on the first Sunday, previously a very poor recruiting day, we surged ahead, finishing 20 up on last year.

From then on we rarely paused, even for meals. Roger Thompson, manager of our bank at the show, Midlands, promised to be the 1,000th member, so we were even more determined.

The last Sunday morning dawned with still 73 needed to reach our target.

Up to midday the goal seemed impossible.

The team due to start at 3.45 pm continued on page 137.