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Shoreline from Page 128

had already arrived, so joined their colleagues for a 'hard sell'. The excitement grew. We put up a notice telling the public of our aim. We wrote boldly the number now needed, periodically crossing it out and substituting the new lower number. At about 2.45 pm we sent a message to the bank. Just before 3 pm our 1,000th member arrived at the stand, and at 1505 ceremonially signed his name.

After that we experienced something of an anticlimax, though numbers still grew. When the show closed we had enrolled 1,015 new Shoreline members.

Next year . . . well perhaps we'll wait until we get our breath back before we start thinking of new targets! Last year I was interested to find that we enrolled several members from abroad, particularly from Belgium and The Netherlands. The trend continued this year, and we are spreading our membership surprising widely. Two non-English speaking Italians asked for a Shoreline badge. We explained that they were for members only—so they joined! A yachtsman from Greece and also some Australians are now Shoreline members. In fairness we had to tell them that there was no RNLI boat near their own sailing waters, but thanks to our worthy membership secretary we overcame the problem. Peter has agreed to our suggestion that he should keep a dinghy moored at Poole, and that he should row out to far-flung waters should any of our members need help! It is rumoured that he is already planning to get in training by rowing round the harbour each morning.

Whether or not this influenced our new members I do not know, but we are delighted to welcome them into our exclusive circle of enthusiasts.

We were the same team as last year, and we look on the show as a time of reunion. In addition to recruitment, we were kept busy selling insignia and renewing membership. Some members make a point of coming to Earl's Court for that purpose. Indeed, it is a time of meeting old friends and scarcely a day passed without our greeting someone we knew. It was especially pleasing to see several small parties of lifeboat crew members, some from as far away as Scotland. With so many members wearing Shoreline badges and ties it meant that we could extend a welcome instead of eye-ing them hopefully and saying, 'Can we interest you in Shoreline membership?' It was a tired but very happy party who went for a modest celebration after the show had closed.—HAROLD APPLETON.

In conclusion, may I wish you all a happy summer season, and good sailing.

—PETER HOLNESS, membership secretary, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ (Tel. Poole 71133)..