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Notes of the Quarter from Page Iii

Notes of the Quarter from page III Elmy put out to the help of a fishing boat. The fishing boat's crew were taken aboard the lifeboat, but as she was returning to harbour the lifeboat capsized with the loss of the whole lifeboat crew and four of the five fishermen who had been taken aboard.

Record of service Members of the RNLI's governing body, the Committee of Management, who give their services voluntarily to decide policy, sometimes render outstanding services to their local branches, too. An outstanding example has been Air Vice-Marshal Sir Geoffrey Bromet, a former deputy chairman of the RNLI, who last year chose the annual general meeting of the New Romney branch as the occasion for announcing his retirement from the chairmanship of the branch in his eighty-eighth year. Until Sir Geoffrey became involved in lifeboat affairs there was no RNLI fund-raising branch in New Romney. He became its first chairman and continued in that role until last year. Even last year he was to be seen with a collecting box meeting every train on the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch railway throughout lifeboat week. Branch workers made him a presentation on the occasion of his retirement, when he announced that he would still be ready to help the branch if needed..