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Engine failure A FISHING VESSEL, Falke, on delivery passage from the continent to Whitby on Monday December 18, 1978, put out a 'pan' message saying that she was broken down 60 miles east by north of Flamborough Head with no power or steering and her batteries were starting to fail.

HM Coastguard telephoned Superintendent Coxswain Brian Bevan of Humber lifeboat station at 0723, and, as there were no other ships in the area and Humber Radio was already having communication problems due to Falke's failing batteries, it was decided to launch. The wind was westerly force 2, the sea slight and, on a clear morning, visibility very good. The tide was ebbing.

Humber's 54ft Arun City of Bradford IV slipped her moorings at 0813 and set course for the last known position. The fishery protection minesweeper HMS Stubbington was also on her way from north of Whitby to help find the casualty.

HMS Stubbington sighted Falke at 1227 and sent an engineer across in a Gemini to see if he could help. He was unable to get the engine started, however, and so the lifeboat, which had arrived at 1245, agreed to tow the boat to Bridlington. A tow was passed at 1302. Course was set for Flamborough Head and, although the casualty had no steering, Bridlington Harbour was reached safely at 2056.

After refuelling, and a meal for the crew, City of Bradford IV returned to station, arriving at 0102. At 0126 she was back on moorings and ready for service.

Following this service a letter of thanks was received from Falke's owner together with two cheques: one a token of thanks to the coxswain and crew of Humber lifeboat and the other a donation to the Institution..