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In this issue there are reports of four inshore lifeboat services to people cut off by the tide or trapped in cliffs or caves; it is a type of service for which ILBs are admirably suited but which may have to be carried out in hazardous conditions. Here is a photograph taken of Whitby D class ILB when she was launched on June 5, 1977, to help a man cut off below cliffs by the rising tide. A very heavy breaking swell, estimated at 7 to 8 feet, was breaking along the shore. This service, for which the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum were accorded to Helmsman Michael Coates and Crew Members Brian Hodgson and Anthony Easton, was reported in full in the winter 1977/78 issue of THE LIFEBOAT. The photograph was taken by D. Barton..

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