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A few weeks later, on May 28, a pleasure boat was returning from a lighthouse trip when her crew, Second Coxswain/Assistant Mechanic Ronald Wheeler spotted a man on the rocks signalling that somebody was injured.

Unable to help, he returned to EastbourneEastbourne and notified Coxswain/ Mechanic Derek Huggett.

At 1555, once again with Helmsman Colin Burden and Crew Member David Corke as her crew, the ILB was launched and set off at full speed for Beachy Head. The weather was fine with good visibility, a gentle easterly breeze and slight sea. The tide was high.

Ten minutes later a man was seen signalling from the top of an old cliff fall 15 feet up from the sea. It was not possible to beach the ILB because of large rocks at the base of the fall and a four to five foot swell, so she was anchored off and veered down as close in as possible.

Colin Burden entered the water with the first aid kit, managed to wade ashore and climbed the rocks. Finding the injured man suffering from a broken ankle he immobilised the fracture with splints and bandages.

As the position would be cut off for some time, Colin Burden returned to the ILB to see if he and David Corke could get her ashore. A rope secured to the ILB was made fast to a large rock, but, as it was found that the boat could not be left in this position for fear of damage, the rope was slackened and David Corke pulled her afloat again.Colin Burden went back to the casualty and, with the help of his friend, carried him down to the water's edge.

The ILB was pulled alongside the rock and the injured man lifted aboard; then his friend jumped in followed by Colin Burden after he had freed the rope. The ILB was pulled clear of the rocks with the anchor and, at 1634, headed back to the lifeboat station. She was beached safely twenty minutes later and the injured man transferred to an ambulance.

The ILB was checked for damage, but none had been sustained. She was rehoused at 1705.

For this service letters of thanks signed by Captain Nigel Dixon were sent to Helmsman Colin Burden and Crew Member David Corke..