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Lifeboat weekends

A SERIES of unusual long weekends for lovers of ships, lifeboats and the sea are to be held in St Ives, Cornwall.

Mike and Jill Elleston, who own the tiny Skidden House Hotel, have organised two weekends in February and March for small groups of RNLI supporters who would enjoy a winter break learning about the lifeboats and marine traditions of the area.

Very full weekends are planned starting with talks and films by the RNLI, visits to local lifeboat stations and walks along the coast path to ancient wreck sites. Good food, company and a fascinating subject are the keynotes of the weekends.

The tariff of £65 per person is inclusive of all visits and travel around Cornwall and the weekends run from Thursday dinner to Tuesday breakfast.

A percentage of all money raised will go to RNLI funds. Write to Jill Elleston, Skidden House Hotel, St Ives, Cornwall. Telephone: St Ires 6899..