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MFV ashore RAMSEY COASTGUARD, Isle of Man, informed the honorary secretary of Port Erin lifeboat station at 0616 on Saturday, June 17 that the 70ft motor fishing vessel Incentive on passagefrom Whitehaven to Kilkeel with a crew of six aboard, had gone ashore south of Port Erin and needed help.

The weather was fine with good visibility, a moderate to fresh breeze, force 4 to 5, was blowing from the north east and the sea was rough when, at 0635, Port Erin's 37ft 6in Rother lifeboat Osman Gabriel launched and set out at full speed. Half an hour later she came up with the casualty ashore on the rocks at the foot of a 250ft sheer cliff on Calf Island, some two-and-a-half to three miles west south west of Port Erin.

Incentive's port side and bilges were damaged and she was taking in water.

A line was passed and secured and with the fishing boat's engines going astern the lifeboat made three attempts, all unsuccessful, to haul her clear. With Incentive starting to flood badly, the wind freshening and backing to the north and the tide now ebbing, Coxswain Peter Woodworth decided to take off the crew from the fishing boat's stern. As the big swell running made this a hazardous task, the six men embarked on a liferaft which was pulled to the lifeboat. By 0800 they were all safely aboard. The six men were disembarked at Port Erin and the lifeboat then returned to her station and was rehoused at 0855.

For this service a letter of thanks signed by Captain Nigel Dixon, director of the Institution, was sent to Coxswain Peter Woodworth and his crew..