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A Fishing Boat

Four launches OVER THE WEEKEND of September 16 and 17 Filey lifeboat, the 37ft Oakley Robert and Dorothy Hardcastle, launched on service three times and the station D class ILB once within the space of 26 hours.

The first call, to a small fishing boat firing red flares in the tideway off Filey Brigg, came to the deputy launching authority at 1250 on Saturday September 16. The wind was south westerly, strong breeze to near gale, force 6 to 7, the tide was flooding. The lifeboat launched at 1305 and headed for the casualty through rough seas, coming alongside at 1320. The four occupants were transferred to the lifeboat and a tow line put aboard. As the weather was worsening, Coxswain Thomas Jenkinson then headed south west to get into the shelter of Filey Bay before turning north for Filey. The fishermen told the crew that their boat had been swamped by a wave which put the outboard engine out of action. After trying to row, without success, they had fireda hand flare. The men were landed and the lifeboat was rehoused by 1440..