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Storm launch A CARGO VESSEL, Gloriosa, making for Kings Lynn was reported to the honorary secretary of Skegness lifeboat station by HM Coastguard at 1610 on Wednesday January 11, a day of exceptionally high tides and winds on the east coast of England. Gloriosa was in position 110° 1.5 miles from Roaring Middle Buoy making considerable leeway and her crew had asked to be taken off.

The 37ft Oakley relief lifeboat Calouste Giilbenkian, on temporaryduty at Skegness, was launched at 1640 into very rough seas. The northerly wind was storm force 10 and visibility was poor. The tide was half flood.

After she had driven six miles to sea, Calouste Gidbenkian was recalled as Gloriosa was successfully making Kings Lynn under her own power. So severe were conditions ashore, however, with flooding right over the promenade, that the lifeboat had to stand off for four hours before, at 2240, with the tide on the ebb, she could be safely beached. She was rehoused and ready for service at 0030.

For this service a letter of thanks to the crew and shore helpers, signed by Commander Bruce Cairns, chief of operations, was sent to F. N. Ball, station honorary secretary, Skegness..