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Girls from Hastings High School Visited Their Local Lifeboat Station In March to Present a Cheque for £600 to Hastings and St.Leonards Branch the Result of Their 1977 C

Girls from Hastings High School visited their local lifeboat station in March to present a cheque for £600 to Hastings and St Leonards branch, the result of their 1977 charity project: it is twice as much as they have ever collected before. The project was launched in fine style by a film show and talk given by Coxswain Joe Martin (seen receiving the cheque from last year's head girl) and Motor Mechanic R. Shoesmith. The girls then took over with great enthusiasm, organising all kinds of fund-raising events. Jack Cooke, chairman of the Board of Governors, and Mrs Spendlove, headmistress, are second and third on the left.

photograph by courtesy of 'Hastings Observer'.

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