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Taking to the Road: (Below Left) Dennis Oates Appeal Secretary of East Ham Branch Has Painted a Lifeboat Scene on His Dodge Van Which He Uses for All Branch Fun

Taking to the road: (Below, left) Dennis Oates, appeal secretary of East Ham branch, has painted a lifeboat scene on his Dodge van, which he uses for all branch functions. (Below, right) Jeffery Dyson, a signaller in Rhyl crew (r), with the help of Bill Rathbone (I.) painted lifeboats all round his Morris convertible—Rhyl's Har-Lil taking pride of place on the offside; Mr Dyson won second prize in Prestatyn carnival last year with his car, which he drives around Rhyl in the course of his work every day—photograph by courtesy of Rhyl Journal and Advertiser. (Right) Before Len Vaughan, a Barmouth crew member (I.) and his navigator John Morris-Jones of Dyffryn set out on the 200-mile Castrol International Rally through Wales last October, they resprayed their Morris in lifeboat colours and painted an RNLI flag on the bonnet: all sorts of people and firms sponsored them in aid of the lifeboat service, and, completing the course, they raised over {.450..

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