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AN ALL-TIME RECORD was chalked up in January by Shoreline at the London Boat Show RNLI stand. During the 11 days of the show 907 new members signed on: 25 life governors, 80 governors, 306 family members and 496 ordinary full members. This is a 200 increase over last year, an achievement which certainly would not have been possible without my band of honorary workers who gave up their time to help.

All credit must go to them for their enthusiasm—and with that goes the great appreciation of Shoreline for their efforts.

The most encouraging feature of this very good start to 1978 is the popularity of the new family membership. While on this subject, we hope to have in stock, in the very near future, anorak badges for our younger members; details will be circulated as soon as possible.

It is also interesting to note that the overall value from covenanted subscriptions made at the Boat Show this year will bring in £1,500 per year from tax concessions, once again proving how important it is to ask 'new recruits' to sign the covenant part of our membership form.

This year, for the first time, we had a visual display unit in use on the Boat Show stand. It was lent to us free of charge by CMG and enabled my staff to insert new members as they were enrolled straight on to the computer.

We were also able to deal with queries from existing members as they arose and, I am pleased to say, as a result of this facility several increased their subscriptions and signed the deed of covenant.

* * * It has been my practice in the past few issues to give details of the activities of some of our Shoreline members in the campaign to raise funds towards our new lifeboat and, therefore, continuing in the same vein, before Christmas three of our members, Annette Cox, Celia Ivamy and Roger Smith, part of the Dorset Brass Quire, went out carol singing and raised £26.43 for our funds.

There are eight members in the full group but unfortunately they could not all get time off. Well done and many thanks to the three of you.

Another group who support us are the members of the Deep Sea Fishing Section of the Moortown Social Club in Leeds. At a recent charity concert organised at the club a cheque for £104.14 to boost the Shoreline fund was presented to our area organiser, Harry Weston. Our appreciation to you all; keep up the good work.

* * * On a different note, as you are aware, we are always looking for ways by which Shoreline members can benefit from their membership when purchasing equipment. We are pleased to announce that RFD Mills Equipment Ltd, 88 Cattershall Lane, Godalming, Surrey (Tel. Godalming 4122), are prepared to offer 10 per cent discount on the Hayward Safety Harness. Price for the adult orange nylon webbing model is £15.95 and for the child's nylon webbing model is £10.50. If you are interested in purchasing these items would you please write to RFD direct quoting your membership number.

* * * News of our Shoreline lifeboat is that we have now passed the £100,000 mark and the fund is still growing steadily. I hope soon to be able to give you a definite location of our boat and some idea of when launching will take place. Well done to you all, but please try to keep the 'recruitment' in full swing. Let us try to pass the magical figure of 50.000 members this year.

We started the year off with a bang at the Boat Show and 1 am certain that, with your help as in the past, anything is possible.

* * * As the boating season is fast approaching may I take this opportunity of wishing you all good weather, enjoyable and safe sailing in 1978.—PETER HOLNESS, membership secretary, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BHJ5 1HZ (Tel.

Poole 71133).

To: SHORELINE, RNLI, WEST QUAY, POOLE, DORSET, BH1 I should like to be a part of such a worthwhile voluntary cause bj and joining the Institution as: A Life Member and Life Governor: minimum donation £60, including journal A Member and Governor: minimum annual subscription £10, including journal A Full Member: minimum annual subscription £3, including journal Family Membership: minimum annual subscription £5, including journal SHORELINE LIFEBOAT Total subscription NAME ADDRESS 5 1HZ.

' becoming a Slw I ei Dal Sigi 'dine close e lalim SHORELINE member of the lif Below are the various items you are entitled to wear or fly as a member of SHORELINE Member's tie (Terylene) £2.00 Lady's brooch £0.50 Metal car badge £2.50 Tie tack £1.00 8* hoist Hag £1.50 12" hoist Hag £2.25 Dinghy burgee £1.50 Insignia payment Giro number is 294 7056 P Of cheque j cash for £ ....

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