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Lifeboat People

AFTER THE SERVICE on December 1 of St Peter Port lifeboat to Natali, which transports Guernsey shellfish to Santander, the vessel's owners, Mariscos Del Cantabrico, entertained all members of the station's crew and their wives, together with representatives of other organisations which had helped when the boat was in distress, to dinner at Cobo Bay Hotel. During the evening Peter Wright, agent for Natali, presented a cheque for £150 to Jurat B. G.

Blampied, chairman of the branch.

* * * On rare occasions the YW Dayboat Class awards a special seamanship trophy for an outstanding feat of boat handling. Last year, at its national championship at Brixham, the award was made to Chris Hughes, who, despite injury sustained to his hand on service in Padstow lifeboat (see page 114), not only competed in the racing, even in heavy weather, but finished a creditable eighteenth overall.

* * * One of the new magistrates recently appointed to Scarborough bench is Victor R. Goodson, who, since an ILB went on station at Filey in 1966, has been a member of her crew.

Further down the coast, John Crossland, motor mechanic of Flamborough lifeboat, has been elected to Flamborough Parish Council.

* * * A presentation was made to Mrs M.

Saunders when, last autumn, she retired as treasurer of Blyth ladies' guild after more than 40 years service to Blyth station. Mrs Saunders, held in great esteem and affection by all who worked alongside her, still remains an active committee member.

* * * It is with deep regret that we announce the following deaths: June Robert Young, coxswain of Cloughey- Portavogie lifeboat from 1936 to 1949 and bowman from 1932 to 1935. He was awarded the silver medal in 1939.

July Mrs J. Reid, who was vice-chairman of Peterhead station branch and president, until 1974, of Peterhead ladies' guild. She was awarded a silver badge in 1960, a statuette in 1965 and a gold badge in 1977.

October Ted Herring, who had worked for the lifeboat service for about 30 years, first as a lifeboat week collector and then as a founder member and honorary box secretary of Portsdown branch. He also served on The Hampshire Rose and Eastney appeal committees.

December George Tart, coxswain of Dungeness lifeboat from 1947 to 1965 and bowman at the No. 2 station from 1926 to 1939.

He was awarded the bronze medal in 1956, and the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum in 1962.

January William Freeman, the sole survivor of the 1939 St Ives lifeboat disaster.

February George Povah, assistant motor mechanic of Rhyl lifeboat from 1939 to 1965, since which time he remained one of the station's most loyal and respected supporters. He was awarded the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum in 1962.

Edward Verrill, coxswain of Whitby pulling lifeboat from 1952 to 1958 and second coxswain from 1946 to 1952..