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A Sailing Dinghy

Saved boat and three SHOREHAM HARBOUR DLA was informed by HM Coastguard at 1405 on Wednesday July 20, 1977, that a 14' sailing dinghy was half submerged just west of the harbour entrance; one of her crew of three could be seen in the water clinging to the bows. The D class ILBwas launched and set off at full speed, reducing to half to one third throttle as she rounded the west breakwater into the weather. She reached the dinghy at 1416.

The day was overcast with moderate visibility and the wind was west south west, strong breeze, force 6, gusting to near gale, force 7, with a rough sea and heavy swell. The tide was at 5J hours flood, setting north east.

As the ILB approached, the dinghy, which was only some 30 feet off the west breakwater in the heavy confused seas caused by the backwash from the breakwater, capsized throwing her remaining two crew members into the water. One young man was some distance off the dinghy, a girl was clinging to the mast and the other man was under the mainsail.

Helmsman Michael Fox skilfully manoeuvred the ILB close alongside the capsized dinghy while Crew Members Christopher Fox and David Wainwright hauled the girl and the two young men safely into the ILB. Throughout this difficult operation (a photograph of which was published in the winter issue of THE LIFEBOAT) the ILB was shipping water overall from the backwash of the breakwater.

Once the three people were safely on board the ILB returned to Shoreham Harbour where two of the survivors were transferred to a waiting ambulance at 1424.

At 1428 the ILB was relaunched to tow the capsized dinghy clear of the main channel at the harbour entrance, where she had drifted after weathering the west breakwater. She was beached at 1455 and the ILB recovered and ready for service at 1530.

For this service the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum have been accorded to Helmsman Michael J.

(continued on page 141)Fox. Vellum service certificates have been presented to Crew Members Christopher E. Fox and David Wainwright..