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Two swimmers ALREADY OUT ON EXERCISE, On the evening of Tuesday, August 30, Port Talbot D class ILB remained afloat to cover an organised open water swim.

The wind was south west force 4, the sea rough and the tide flooding. Visibility was good.

Heavy surf was building up on the weather side of the north breakwater, towards which two of the 30 or more swimmers were being carried. At 1915 the ILB went between the breakwater and the two swimmers and took them aboard. Then two heavy waves swamped the boat and the engine cut out. Oars were immediately shipped and the crew had paddled out of trouble before being taken in tow by another boat.

In the lee of the breakwater the plugs were changed and the engine fired once more. The tow was cast off and the ILB, running on one cylinder and experiencing trouble with the gears, made for the river, beached on the boat club slipway and landed the two swimmers. The ILB was brought back to station on her trailer and rehoused at 2100.

For this service letters of appreciation signed by Captain Nigel Dixon, RN, Director of the Institution, have been sent to Helmsman Steven Lewis and Crew Members Henry Worth and Robert Parker..