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Maritime Book Society (Readers Union)

y / / / / / / / / / / / /y/ / / Take any 3 books ONLY 25? EACH Edward Heath RAILING I TheSmall- | Boat Skippers j Handbook GEOFF LEWIS and Save up to £14.75 when you join the new bi-monthly V / / A BOOK SOCIETY Weekend sailor or ocean-going mariner, would b armchair traveller, whatever your interest in shipsand the water, the Maritime Book Society has a book for you.

Step-by-step guides to the construction, maintenance and repair of boats of all types; sailing, power boating and water sports; weather forecasting, navigation and equipment; canals To: Maritime Book Society, PO Box 6, Newton Abbot, Devon I would like to join the MARITIME BOOK SOCIETY Please supply the 3 introductory books numbers I I I time history and warfare: these are just some of the subjects covered in a wealth of practical and information books. The Maritime Book Society also tells the stories of great ships, sailors and explorers — from the Vikings to present-day adventurers like Robin Knox-Johnston.

at the special introductory price of only 25p each (plus 60p total carriage)and I will pay upon receipt for any books I choose (Allow up to 21 days for delivery). It I keep the introductory books I will automatically become a member and agree to purchase at least 4 books (in addition to the introductory offer) during a year's membership and may resign thereafter. " ; am not satisfied with the introductory books I may return them within 10 days and owe nothing.

Mr/Mrs/Miss Address Signature (Signature of Parent or Guardian if under_l_ ISEND NO MONEY Maritime Book Society,Bruntl HOUM,Newton Abbot.P«g in England No 843946.