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Atlantic 21 Mobile Dock (From Page 83)

been developed jointly by Mike Bigland (Preparations) Ltd., an engineering firm in Knighton Powys, Wales, and the RNLI. It is encased in a watertight, custom built steel and armour plated glass hull—reminiscent of a huge goldfish tank. This method is much simpler than watertighting all the individual components such as the clutch, brakes and electrical equipment. The tyres are ballasted with water to reduce the effect of buoyancy and improve the traction.

The separate trolley is known as a DODO (drive on, drive off).

Both SPIDOT and DODO are now operating successfully on the coast.

Their development emphasises the important point that RNLI lifeboats and crews may encounter conditions which most people will never meet. To face these conditions they may need very special equipment which is not commercially available. Where that happens the RNLI becomes its own designer and innovator. Its problems and their solutions are often unique..