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A Lobster Fishing Boat

Lobster boat sunk THE LIGHTKEEPERS on Tory Island sent a message to the honorary secretary of Arranmore lifeboat station at 2015 on Saturday, September 17, reporting that a half-decker lobster fishing boat had gone on the rocks. The crew of three had managed to clamber ashore but two were badly injured and needed hospital treatment.

Southern Africa, the 51' Barnett relief lifeboat on temporary duty at Arranmore, launched at 2030 and set course for Tory Island, 19 miles north of the station. The night was fine with good visibility, a smooth sea and light northeasterly winds. It was high water.

The wounded men were taken off at 2326 and landed at Burtonport at 0230 where an ambulance was waiting to take them to hospital. The lifeboat was ready for service again at 0300..