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IT is JUST A YEAR since I took over as membership secretary, and what an eventful year it has been. Apart from the pleasure of making many new friends among our members, it has been most encouraging to receive your numerous letters bringing news of the special events that you have been organising around the country to swell the funds for RNLB Shoreline. I have told you of one or two such events already, now here is another fine effort: J. A. Kent of Whitstable and a friend undertook to tow two water skiers, John Gwynne and Brian Niel, behind two separate boats from Seasalter to Margate and back.

John Gwynne achieved the 40 miles nonstop, plus five miles for luck; Brian Niel had covered 30 miles before being checked by cramp. Of course they waited for suitable weather before making the run. Their trip resulted in a welcome cheque for £15 being sent to the Shoreline office. The picture on this page shows Mr Kent in his boat, Sundowner, proudly flying the Shoreline flag. Well done, chaps! Thank you.

While we are on the subject of the Shoreline appeal, I am pleased to announce that our target is coming within our sights: the figure is standing at about £80,000, a truly magnificent effort. Well done to all of you.

Another pleasing aspect of the Shoreline appeal is the way in which membership is growing, mainly due to the success our supporters have had in encouraging their families and friends to join. If we continue as we are going, our numbers should stand in the region of 45,000 by the end of the year.

* * * On the home front, we have now satisfactorily completed the changeover from our old record system to our new 'online' computer. We did have some teething troubles in the beginning which meant that some of our members received renewal notices although they had just paid their subscription. For this I must apologise; I can assure you that the problem has now been sorted out and it should not happen again.

One great advantage of the new system is that membership cards and receipts can now be sent off within a few days of subscriptions being received, thus reducing the administrative and postal charges we have had to pay in the past.

* * * As you are probably aware, because of inflation, we have had to increase insignia prices. We very much regret that this step has become necessary as it had been a matter of pride that we had managed to hold the same prices over four years.

You will see that we have introduced a new tie tack into the range, which will sell at £1.00. This tie tack replaces the cuff links, which are being discontinued for the time being because a reasonable quality article can only be obtained at a prohibitive cost.

* * * Now, another welcome innovation: we are starting a family membership, which means that husband, wife and children under the age of 18 can now all join as one for a minimum subscription of £5. We hope that becoming part of Shoreline in this way will help to stimulate the interest of the younger generation, and running in conjunction with this new family membership, we will be starting a small competition for our younger members on the history of the Institution. When the completed papers are returned to us the children will be given their own badge showing that they know what the Institution is all about and the type of work it undertakes.

I sincerely hope that many of our young members will take part.

* * * May I now, please, ask for your opinions? People have suggested to me, and I think that it is a good idea, that we should run a Shoreline rally each year in a different part of the country. It would give an opportunity for members, wherever they live, to get to know each other and so help encourage united friendship. We have our own ideas about what form such a rally should take, but I would welcome your observations and ideas. We are thinking of running the first one next year, so, please, now is the time to put pen to paper.

* * * Thank you all once again for your continuing interest and support and, as by the time the winter issue appears we shall be in the new year, may I, together with all the staff of the Shoreline office, wish you and your families a very happy Christmas.—PETER HOLNESS, membership secretary, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ (Tel.

Poole 71133)..