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Presentations and Celebrations Go Together When Coxswain Edgar Moore (I) of Newhaven Retired After 16 Years Service His Station Presented Him With a Model Of

Presentations and celebrations go together. . . . When Coxswain Edgar Moore (I.) of Newhaven retired after 16 years service, his station presented him with a model of Kathleen Mary made by Mr Osbourne and Mr Fox of Christchurch. Mrs P. Jacobs (below, left), president of Gourock ladies'1 guild, shows her Honorary Life Governor's vellum, presented to her at the Royal Festival Hall, to Sir Charles McGrigor, Convenor Scottish Lifeboat Council, Mrs Lyons and Mrs Mclnnes, two guild office bearers, and Mary Lloyd-Jones, organising secretary (Scotland). Sir Peter Compston, chairman of the Fund Raising Committee, presented a statuette to Lady Tollemache, president ofPetersfield and District branch (third and fourth from left) at a reception attended by Peter sfield Court of Sir William Jolliffe of the Ancient Order of Foresters..

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