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Harwich: When on July 9 the Ex Revenue Cutter L'Atalanta Went Aground on Cork Sands With Six People on Board the Water Was Too Shallow for Harwich's 44' Waven

Harwich: When, on July 9, the ex revenue cutter L'Atalanta went aground on Cork Sands, with six people on board, the water was too shallow for Harwich's 44' Waveney lifeboat Margaret Graham to approach. Two crew members ran a tow line down in the inflatable dinghy, and, as L'Atalanta was taking in water, stayed aboard to help bail while she was being towed to Harwich. These photographs were taken by L'Atalanta's skipper, Robert Simper: (left) dinghy is hidden by surf. Mr Simper later wrote to Harwich honorary secretary, thanking.

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