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A Motor Fishing Vessel

ILB in near gale RED FLARES SIGHTED Off WhitStable Street Buoy were reported to the honorary secretary of Whitstable ILB station by Warden Point Coastguard, Isle of Sheppey, at 2342 on Friday, February 25. In view of the bad weather prevailing—the wind was north easterly near gale force 7, causing a short, steep sea off the harbour, with poor visibility and drizzle—the honorary secretary went immediately to the boathouse to discuss the feasibility of launching with the helmsman. After consultation he informed the Coastguard that he would launch.

It was just after low water and, to find enough depth for launching, the Atlantic 21 was driven to a point one cable north west of the harbour entrance beyond the lee of its walls. As she launched, at 2356, tractor, trolley and boat were frequently covered in heavy spray. Once afloat, Helmsman David Foreman headed north of Street Bank and thence eastward towards the decklights of the casualty.

After a very rough passage at reduced speed, the ILB arrived on scene at 0005 and found a 23' MFV lying across the wind, dragging her anchor; her position had changed some four cables since the flares had been sighted. Her crew told the ILB that they had been on passage from Rye to Leigh-on-Sea but had run out of fuel; the anchor was not holding and they wished to be taken off before their boat was driven on to Street Bank.

During the first attempt to close the casualty in the heavy, short seas, the MFV yawed and rolled against the ILB, damaging the radio aerial with her after gantry; Helmsman Foreman opened the throttle and sheered away beforemaking a second approach from astern to the port side. The ILB was secured briefly while the three men were helped aboard. In leaving the casualty the helmsman had to risk fouling the ILB's propellers on two ropes leading over the MFV'S bow.

The area of Street Bank was a mass of white water and, with the boat more sluggish because of the extra weight of the survivors, Helmsman Foreman ran well northward before approaching Whitstable west beach.

Landing was difficult in the very rough weather; however, with considerable help from the two launchers and quick reactions from the tractor driver, the ILB was recovered safely on to her trolley and brought ashore. The survivors were landed at 0035 and the ILB was rehoused and ready for service at 0100.

For this service the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum were accorded to Helmsman David Foreman and vellum service certificates presented to Crew Members David Holmes and Andrew Kennedy. A letter of appreciation signed by Captain Nigel Dixon, RN, Director, has been sent to the launching party, Tractor Driver Stuart H. Wilmot and Shore Helpers Donald A. R. Rigden and Nigel Scammell..