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A Motor Fishing Vessel (1)

MFV Ashore A MOTOR FISHING VESSEL ashore on the south side of the Conwy approach channel was reported to a deputy launching authority of Conwy inshore lifeboat station by Penmon Coastguard at 0752 on Thursday, April 14. Maroons were fired and at 0810 the ILB launched and set out for Deganwy Point at full speed.

The wind was north west, strong to near gale, force 6 to 7, causing a short, steep, breaking swell in the harbour entrance. Visibility was good. It was 30 minutes before high water and the flood stream almost slack.

On reaching Deganwy Point speed was reduced because of the swell. By this time it was established that the VHP radio was not working properly since no contact could be made with Coastguard station or mobile. The casualty was sighted aground on the Morfa Mussel Bank about 200 yards south south west of Perch Light. She was lying with bows south south east and listing to port; seas were breaking over her starboard quarter. Someone could be seen standing on deck.

Helmsman Trevor Jones took the ILB alongside the casualty and secured under the lee of her port bow; the time was now 0815. The boat was on passage from Amlwch to Conwy and had anchored in the approach channel because ofgearbox trouble; she was without propulsion. Her anchor cable had parted and she had been blown ashore. At the request of the skipper, the ILB ran a line ashore, securing the boat by a wire hawser to a large rock above high water mark, before taking off the crew and landing them at the ILB station at 0850.

The ILB was rehoused and made ready for service by 0915, For this service, letters of appreciation signed by Captain Nigel Dixon, RN, Director of the Institution, have been sent to Helmsman Trevor Jones and Crew Member F. Smith..