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JUST A YEAR AGO—that was when the appeal to raise the cost of a Rother class lifeboat to be named Shoreline was first launched. And what has happened in those twelve months? Well, for a start, membership has risen by neatly a third, from 31,000 to more than 40,000. Then, with the subscriptions of new members, and donations sent by existing members the £63,000 mark has already been passed. No mean achievement, indeed, in just twelve months.

Thank you—and please keep up the good work. We are getting on splendidly, but there is still a long way to go before Shoreline first launches on service.

Now, here's a thought: more than 9,000 members have been enrolled in the past twelve months, so if all new members were now to introduce one of their friends how quickly the snowball would grow.

* * * So many members are working hard topromoteShoreline membership. Colin Cornish of Stalham in Norfolk, as well as individual members, has introduced a whole school. The Community Service Committee of Stalham Secondary School decided that the school should join en bloc and sent a £10 subscription for the first year.

Captain Ralph Williamson Jones tells us that in Petersfield subscribers to THE LIFEBOAT are asked to give old copies to a branch committee member who will pass them on to libraries or community centres, or to the waiting rooms of doctors, dentists, railway stations . . .

with a few Shoreline membership forms tucked inside each.

If you would like to pass your copy of the journal on in this way (what about hotels, holiday camps?) we shall be happy to send you extra membership forms.

* * * 'What about the ladies?' I said in my last letter. Norah Neill, of 95 Fitzroy Avenue, Harborne, Birmingham 17, is collecting Green Shield stamps for the Shoreline appeal. Any contributions? They would be much appreciated.

Here is another way members who intend to be lifeboat supporters for at least six years can help, and at no additional expense. If subscriptions are paid by deed of covenant, the Institution can claim back the income tax paid on the amount from the Inland Revenue.

On a £3 subscription £1.62 can be claimed; on £10, £5, so that £3 from you becomes £4.62 for the RNLI, and £10 becomes £15. You can see how well worthwhile it is. Covenant forms can be obtained from this office.

With Christmas only some 120 shopping days away, we have pleasure in announcing a new addition to our insignia range: a most attractive silver and marcasite ladies Shoreline flag brooch, which is available from Poole, price £7 plus 50p postage and packing (please send cheque or postal order with your order).

East Ham branch would very much like to meet Shoreline members resident in Newham and invite them to write to the branch chairman, Peter M. Omand, 84 Barking Road, London E6 3BP.

During last summer, Roger Langdon and Mike Berry took on the organising and cooking at a number of barbecues in the Kings Norton area, charging a nominal sum destined for the RNLI.

By the end of the season they had collected £15 which they donated to the Shoreline appeal.

Does anyone in that area need a fund raising barbecue arranged? Roger Langdon's address is 32 Badger Road, Binley, Coventry.

On that happy note we wish you an enjoyable summer, and good sailing.— PETER HOLNESS, membership secretary, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BHI5 lH/.(Tel. Poole 71133)..