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Around the Coast

FROM AN ARTICLE on Horton and Port Eynon ILB station by Mr C. R. Chatterton published in the Newsletter of Reardon Smith Line. Mr Chatterton is chairman of both the shipping line and the ILB station branch: 'Operating an inshore lifeboat service often meets with difficulties before the boat enters the water, and, last year, wind and tides provided a problem with the build-up of sand at the entrance to the boathouse, to such an extent that, in the interests of efficiency, approximately 20,000 tons of sand had to be removed, with the help of a bulldozer and at a cost of about £80.

'However, this winter, the helmsman, Walter Groves, the treasurer, John Richards, a crew member, Peter Muxworthy and myself have, armed with shovels, cleared approximately the same tonnage—but let it not be said that I have deviated from the strict truth! There appeared, after an interval of nearly two years, the starting up of a stream, which originates from a spring and, aided by the wet winter, this stream passed the boathouse with increased volume, to such an extent that each weekend, with the helmsman as foreman, and shovels at the ready, the stream has been diverted a little at a time, washing away enormous quantities of sand, so there is now a clearance so successful that a concrete slipway, installed a couple of years ago, is again visible.' Seven Yorkshire lifeboat stations, Runswick Bay/Staithes, Whitby, Scarborough, Filey, Flamborough, Bridlington and Humber, have produced a combined newspaper, Lifeline, for sale during the season at lOp a copy. As well as general features about the RNLI, each each station has space for its own news and views. Co-ordination, planning and editing was undertaken by Filey honorary secretary, D. Liversidge (21 Flat Cliff, Primrose Valley, Filey) and M.

Whittaker, also of Filey..