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ONCE AGAIN the Earls Court Boat Show has come and gone and what a success story we can relate! We signed on 761 new members: an all-time record. This is a fantastic achievement and I should like to thank the following people for all their hard work and support throughout the Boat Show: Jim Mead, honorary secretary of Molesey branch; David Parker; Ewart Myer; Richard Wilson and Ian Taylor, both of Twickenham branch; Jeff Needham, honorary secretary of Upper Thames branch; and Mrs Caller.

The money from these new members, who have boosted our membership to over 37,000, will be put towards our new Shoreline lifeboat, and I am pleased to say that the figure reached is now £40,000, so we are well on target.

Building is progressing satisfactorily, too, as you can see opposite.

One of the great pleasures of being on the RNLI stand at a place like Earls Court is meeting Shoreline members; it is really brought home to you in just how high regard people, young and old, hold the lifeboat service.

We have also had support from the Royal Navy. HMS Rothesay became a life member and governor of the Institution with the formal presentation to the commanding officer, Commander Noel James, of the ship's hard-earned membership card. The frigate is the first naval ship to be granted suchmembership under the RNLI Shoreline group scheme: she raised £90 through the efforts of CK Frankie Vaughn, ROI Robbie Robinson and LWTR Fred Milne who together completed a sponsored marathon run from Bognor Regis to Portsmouth.

Many other clubs have asked about group membership and I am pleased to announce that we propose to bring in a scheme to cover firms and clubs.

Individual support for the future RNLB Shoreline is so lively it would need a whole journal to mention everyone who is helping by name. If I can only pick out one or two, in so doing let me say here and now that any event that our members run to swell our funds is greatly appreciated by us all.

The other day we received a cheque for £128 from S. Toyer of Torbay, who ran a coffee evening and buffet dance at which the centrepiece was a beautiful Shoreline cake measuring 26" x 18"x3" decorated in blue icing and inscribed RNLB Shoreline. Following the success of this event it is proposed to hold another dance at Easter. Well done, all concerned! From another part of the country we hear from Ewan S. Shaw,mine host of the Kings Head Inn, Orford; in the gentlemen's 'loo' is an RNLI collecting box with a ditty, 'Spend a penny, then relax—forget about the income tax. But spend a thought—and pennies please—for those in peril on the seas!' To date this has swelled our funds by well over £300.

Again, well done, gentlemen! Now I suggest, what about the ladies! However, enough frivolity and to the serious things in hand. To encourage more people to join Shoreline, Alexander Duckhams have offered to supply our members with such items as anoraks, gloves and sports bags from their motor shop in West Wickham at roughly 20 per cent below list price. All orders would be dealt with direct by Duckhams, and we hope to be able to send you full details soon.

We have started the year off with a bang, so let us try to keep up the momentum by encouraging our friends and workmates to join.

To all our members everywhere— thank you for your support.—PETER HOLNESS, membership secretary, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ (Tel. Poole 71133).To: SHORELINE, RNLI, WEST QUAY ROAD, POOLE, DORSET, BH15 1HZ.

I should like to be a part of such a worthwhile voluntary cause by becoming a SHORELINE member of the lifeboat service and joining the Institution as: A Life Member and Life Governor: minimum donation £60, including journal A Member and Governor: minimum annual subscription £10, including journal An Offshore Member: minimum annual subscription £3, including journal SHORELINE LIFEBOAT Total subscription Below are the various items you are entitled to wear or fly as a member of SHORELINE: Members' tie (Terylene) £1.50 Lady's brooch £0.50 Metal car badge £1.55 Pair of cuff-links £ 1.75 8 "hoist flag £1.25 12" hoist flag £2.00 Dinghy burgee £1.25 Insignia payment Shoreline Giro number is 294 7056 NAME / enclose P.OI cheque I cash for £.....

ADDRESS Date Signature.