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Lifeboat Services (From Page 263)

Lifeboat Services (from page 263) the whaleboat which had drifted further to leeward to within about 100' from the cliffs near the Cote du Nord hotel.

His crew managed to get a grapnel into the whaleboat and they towed her clear of the cliffs and back to the shelter of Bouley Bay to check inside the hull for the possible missing American sailor: there was no one on board, so Duchess of Normandy continued to search along the cliff face.

As some of the libertymen had been given leave until 0630 it was not possible to check the entire ship's complement until the muster at 0700. By 0730 it was confirmed that there was no missing man.

During the night both the Jersey and Guernsey lifeboats, the St Catherines ILB, the States of Jersey Fire Service inshore boat and two privately owned boats had been searching for the missing man. The search was called off at 0735.

In addition to the search and rescue operations, Graeme Mercier also acted as a radio link between uss Sellers and Jersey radio.

For this service the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum have been accorded to Graeme Mercier and vellum service certificates have been presented to Graeme Marett and Jean Rivoallen.

North Eastern Division Cruiser in difficulties A CABIN CRUISER off Skinningrove which appeared to be in difficulties and was being kept under observation, was reported to Redcar lifeboat station by HM Coastguard at 1910 on Sunday, September 26, 1976.

At 1938 the cruiser fired a red flare and at 1950 the 37' Oakley lifeboat Sir James Knott was launched and started a search for the casualty. Visibility was down to 50 yards and deteriorating, but with the aid of parachute flares, the cruiser, a 25' ex-naval cutter with two people on board, was sighted 1| miles north of Skinningrove Jetty. At 2103 the lifeboat was alongside and a towline was passed. Because of heavy swell, the lifeboat and her tow made for the River Tees, arriving, with the help of Tees Harbour Radar, at 2306.

At 2405, again helped by Tees Harbour Radar, the lifeboat started on her passage back to station, where she arrived at 0152 and was rehoused at 0248.

Scotland North Division Fishing boat missing A SMALL FISHING BOAT missing, believed to be in the Loch Shell area, was reported to the honorary secretary of Stornowaylifeboat station at 0010 on Thursday, September 9, 1976.

The weather was cloudy with poor visibility. It was blowing a strong gale from the north north east and the sea was very rough when, at 0055, the 48' 6" Solent lifeboat Hugh William Viscount Cough was launched and set off at full speed. At 0325 she reported having sighted a small boat, which proved to be the missing craft, south of Eialan Uchard. The sole crew was holding on to a string of lobster creels to keep himself from being swept on to the island.

He was taken aboard the lifeboat which, with the fishing boat in tow, made for Lemreway where another boat was waiting to take the survivor and his boat ashore.

The transfer was made at 0430, after which the lifeboat set course for her station. Arriving at 0635, she was refuelled and rehoused at 0703..