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Set against a buoy HM COASTGUARD informed the honorary secretary of Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, lifeboat station at 2251 on Friday, July 16, that cries for help heard coming from the vicinity of Sconce Buoy, near Fort Victoria, had been reported to them. It was a clear, calm night when, at 2305, the 46' Watson lifeboat Canadian Pacific, on temporary relief duty at Yarmouth, left her moorings and set course for the position given.

Also at 2305 the Coastguard alerted the honorary secretary of Lymington inshore lifeboat. At 2320 the ILB was launched and on her way to the scene.

On arriving in the area it was found that several other boats were helping with the search. Lifeboat and ILB joined in and they illuminated the scene with their parachute flares. Apparently the fishing boat Jo-Anne, on a chartered trip from Lymington, was returning from the Needles area when her engine failed off Sconce Buoy. The boat, caught in the strong tidal stream, was set against the buoy and capsized, throwing her nine occupants into the water. Jo-Anne quickly broke up and sank in eight fathoms of water.

The nine survivors were picked up by the fishing boats Calypso, Blue Cascade and Happy Return and these were separately escorted back to Lymington by the ILB, which eventually returnedto her station and was rehoused at 0130 on July 17. Canadian Pacific returned to Yarmouth and was re-moored at 0015 after it was learned that all nine of Jo-Anne's party had been rescued..