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A Dinghy (3)

Less than 20 minutes THE HONORARY SECRETARY of Berth ILB station saw a small sailing dinghy in the vicinity of some rocks about a quarter of a mile south west of the station; it was 1440 on Wednesday, July 21. While he watched, the dinghy's rudder broke and she was immediately blown towards the rocks by the moderate north-westerly breeze.

Visibility was good, the tide was ebbing and the sea was choppy when, at 1443, the ILB was launched and headed at full speed towards the casualty. She arrived on the scene within minutes and just as the dinghy was swept on to the rocks. The occupant was immediately transferred to the ILB and the dinghy taken in tow to the beach where the man was landed.

The ILB returned to her station and was rehoused at 1459, less than 20 minutes after the dinghy was first sighted..