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Suandra (1)

Fire HM COASTGUARD INFORMED the honorary secretary of Cardigan ILB station at 1224 on Wednesday, June 16, that a vessel was on fire four miles north of Cardigan Head. There was moderate visibility and a light westerly breeze.

The sea was choppy and the tide was at two hours ebb, when, at 1233, the ILB was launched. She reached the casualty, the converted fishing vessel Suandra, some 12 minutes later and found that her crew of two had taken to their dinghy as Suandra had on board some 800 gallons of fuel and numerous diving air cylinders and there was a serious risk of explosion.

The two men were taken on board the ILB and the explosion hazard was reported to the Coastguard, who asked the ILB to keep well clear of the blazing boat but to remain in the vicinity to warn off shipping.

Meanwhile, a helicopter had been alerted and the New Quay 37' Oakley lifeboat Birds Eye had been launched, at 1255, and was on her way to relieve the ILB. The boom defence vessel Uplifter was also on her way and on arrival at 1314 began dealing with the fire.

Birds Eye arrived at 1330, the two survivors were transferred to her andshe remained in the vicinity until 1545, by which time the fire had been extinguished.

The ILB returned to Cardigan where she was re-housed at 1540.

The owner of Suandra borrowed two pumps from Uplifter and, with the help of two of the lifeboat's crew, these were manned while the boat was being towed by Birds Eye to New Quay.

On arrival, at 1840, Suandra was beached and her crew put ashore. The lifeboat was eventually re-housed at 0030 on June 17..